After three years under my presidency, please let me give a short summary about this period, the lessons learned and the outlook for the future of Vienna Economic Forum.

When I took over the responsibility in 2017 from my predecessor Dr. Busek, former Vice-Chancellor of Austria, Vienna Economic Forum already had a very positive track record and was well established in the relevant community. The mission was and is the work for a prosperous united Europe and to support the growth of economic wealth in all the member countries of VEF.

It was and is the aim, to build a strong open and transparent business network and bridges, supported by the local governments and administration of the VEF region. This process has not ended until now, as we have recognised over the last years because of so called global Megatrends in economy, technology, politics and last but not least climate. These multidimensional challenges also have to be reflected in the work of VEF to fulfill its mission successfully. Board Members, Partners, Patrons, Committees and last but not least the small team around the Secretary General were seriously engaged to initiate conferences, talks and meetings to reach VEF’s targets

As outgoing President, I would like to thank all of you in the different positions and VEF bodies cordially for your support and wish Vienna Economic Forum under the new incoming President DI Peter Umundum. member of the Executive Board of Österreichische Post AG, all the best and a bright future.

DI Dr. Günther Rabensteiner President



The time has come again to present you with the Report on the past year 2019 and to thank you for your long-standing loyalty and support.

The year 2019 was marked by the 30th anniversary of the end of the block system of the Cold War. Therefore, Vienna Economic Forum duly dedicated the 16th Vienna Economic Forum – Economy Meets Politics to the topic “From planned Economy to Market Economy 30 Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain”.

Allow me to state once again that without the end of the Cold war, without the enthusiasm of the first free years of the new democratic development of our region, without the joy, the willingness and the goal to transform the region of Vienna Economic Forum with joined forces into a European region, we hardly would have had the opportunity to create our Vienna Economic Forum and pursue our common goal ambitiously and continuously, with heart and mind.

If you compare the region and the economic development of the member countries of Vienna Economic Forum today and just 15 years ago – you could recognize a generally positive development in the areas of infrastructure, in the energy, banking and transport sectors, in production, as well as in the field of services.

In all these years, VEF has continuously provided support to the economic development of the region thus contributing to the many changes in the VEF countries.

Only one thing has remained unchanged. All of the countries from the region remain in the focus of the economic interest of the Members of Vienna Economic Forum and this interest is shaped by the long-term motivation to participate in the economic regeneration and development of the entire region.

The goal of Vienna Economic Forum remains the same: Continued focus on the economic development of the Member countries, as well as attracting and bringing renowned Austrian, European and international companies with serious interest in the economic development of the countries from the region on board of Vienna Economic Forum.

And we can assure you that we shall continue to do so!


Amb. Dr. Elena Kirtcheva
Secretary General

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