Die beiden Seiten, vertreten durch die Generalsekretärin Botschafterin a.D. Dr. Elena Kirtcheva und CEO und Vorstandsvorsitzender, Herr Martin Gikov haben eine intensive Zusammenarbeit verkündet.
Die Unterzeichnung fand im Festsaal des Fundes und im Dabeisein vom Vize-Minister für Innovation und Wachstum, Herr Stefan Savov statt.
Anbei der Link zur Presseaussendung vom Ministerium für Innovation und Wachstum.
Außerdem finden Sie die Pressemitteilung des Ministeriums für Innovation und Wachstum ins Englische übersetzt:
In the presence of Mr. Stefan Savov, Deputy Minister for Innovation and Growth, the Fund of Funds (FoF) and the Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) launched today a partnership between the two institutions. The partnership will aim to evolve into a regional platform for exchange of ideas and experience. By signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the FoF, the Vienna Economic Forum will expand its broad network of contacts by adding a structurally important Bulgarian institution which provides financing for development. On its part, the Fund of Funds will benefit from the opportunity to collaborate with a key platform for strategic economic cooperation in the region of Southeast Europe.
A major impact of the MoU will be the focused development of a regional ecosystem of key stakeholders in the area of development financing. Dialogue and coordination of efforts among key actors will not only strengthen the impact of their interventions, but will also contribute to making yet another step towards the economic and social integration of the region.
The key dimensions of inter-institutional cooperation agreed by the two parties are:
* mutual support for initiatives implemented by the parties and aimed at expanding their partnership networks, range of activities and target audiences;
* organization of events to which the parties will actively contribute as co-organizers and by inviting speakers and participants recognised for their expertise;
* exchange of economic and business information of mutual interest.
At the signing of the Memorandum Deputy Minister Savov said that the cooperation between the two organizations will be related to the mutual support for initiatives carried out by each of them. He pointed out that the two parties will exchange economic and business information of mutual interest.
Mr. Martin Gikov, FoF CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors: “We are extremely happy that the Fund of Funds will partner with the highly appreciated Vienna Economic Forum. I strongly believe that by achieving our shared goals we will successfully increase the uptake of financial instruments in Bulgaria and, in addition, leverage the potential of our region for economic growth.”
Ambassador Dr. Elena Kircheva, Secretary General of the VEF, made the following comments: “I wish to express how glad I am that the Vienna Economic Forum and the Fund of Funds have now signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Established in 2004 under the Austrian law, the VEF is a Bulgarian initiative! Accordingly, every opportunity to foster economic growth of and between the 13 Member Countries and achieve economic consolidation of the region defined as ‘From the Adriatic to the Black Sea’ through stronger, more proactive and more innovative Bulgarian participation makes me deeply delighted and proud.”