The Regular Board Meeting, followed by the Annual General Assembly of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) in 2025, took place on 24 February at the representative tower of the Vienna headquarters of the VEF founding member Vienna Insurance Group AG (VIG).
The host, Mr. Mag. Peter Höfinger, Member of the VIG Board and VEF Vice President, welcomed the attendees on the top floor of the representative VIG Ring Tower.
VEF President Ambassador Dr. Emil Brix, Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, expressed his special thanks to Mr. Mag. Peter Höfinger and Mr. Christoph Rath for their generous hospitality.
VEF Secretary General, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, as well as the VEF Team, were thanked for their tireless, extremely active, and successful efforts in 2024, as well as for the excellent preparation of the VEF Board meeting and Annual General Assembly, including the compilation of the comprehensive Annual Report.
In accordance with the statutes, VEF President led the agenda and reported on VEF activities in a globally challenging yet successful year for Vienna Economic Forum in 2024.
Photo Credit: Society Magazine/Ertugral, Main Media Partner of Vienna Economic Forum
In the special year 2024, VEF adapted to the requirements of the time and organized the Vienna Economic Forum – Sofia Meeting 2024 in April in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria at the state Boyana Residence in Sofia. With this, VEF was able to make another contribution to regional economic cooperation. The participation of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, H.E. Albin Kurti, at the Vienna Economic Forum – Sofia Meeting 2024 was also considered the first official visit at this level to Bulgaria.
The VEF President reported on the 23rd Traditional Garden Party of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF), which, in cooperation with the Europe Forum Wachau (EFW), a strategic partner of VEF, took place on 21 June 2024 on an exclusive boat trip from Krems through the Wachau and back aboard the “MS Dürnstein.”
He expressed special thanks for the support of the ambassadors of the VEF member countries and the members of the VEF Ambassador Committee.
The VEF President not only emphasized the development of active cooperation with the Europe Forum Wachau (EFW) but also the deepening of cooperation with the Baltic States and Central European countries. VEF is also strengthening its cooperation with other regions of the world. On the initiative of the Annual Investment Meeting (AIM) Congress from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, an Event Partnership Agreement was concluded. The Director General, Mr. Walid Farghal, participated in the opening session of the 21st Vienna Economic Forum and delivered a welcoming speech highlighting the importance of the partnership between the AIM Congress and Vienna Economic Forum.
The VEF President reported on the VEF initiative to establish a “League of Universities” in the VEF region. VEF has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, the University of National and World Economy (Sofia, Bulgaria), and the University of Prishtina (Kosovo). Representatives from the University of National and World Economy, including the Dean of the Faculty of International Economy and Policy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Svetla Boneva, as well as the Rector of the University of Prishtina, Prof. Arben Hajrullahu, participated in the 21st Vienna Economic Forum – Vienna Future Dialogue 2024.
Assoc. Prof. Savina Mihaylova-Goleminova, Ph.D., from the “St. Kliment Ohridski” University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, spoke and reported on the VEF initiative, particularly on specific projects regarding the timely topic “The Organization and Emergence of Start-ups in the VEF Region.”
In this cooperation, VEF, as a pro-European economic platform based in Vienna, is expected to play a leading role, which also motivated today’s amendment to the VEF statutes.
The VEF President particularly highlighted the great success of the 21st Vienna Economic Forum – Vienna Future Dialogue 2022, which took place under the motto “Regional Economy as Part of the European and Global Economy” at the Beletage of the House of Engineers, Eschenbachgasse 9, 1010 Vienna. High-ranking decision-makers from business and politics from 36 countries participated in the event.
In accordance with the statutes, VEF President Ambassador Dr. Emil Brix led the agenda. The following new members were proposed by the Board and confirmed by the General Assembly:
Board Members:
- Mr. Christoph Rath, as representative of the ordinary member Vienna Insurance Group AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe
- Mr. Mag. Stefan Krenn, as representative of the ordinary member Novomatic AG
- Dr. Alexander Picker, as representative of the ordinary member BC Moldindconbank SA
Member – Cooperation Partner:
- BC Moldindconbank SA
Member – Natural Person:
- Mr. Mag. Niko Petkovic
Members of the Ambassador Committee:
- H.E. Prof. Fate Velaj, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to the Republic of Austria
- H.E. Ms. Victoria Roșa, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to the Republic of Austria
Honorary Membership in the Honorary Committee of Vienna Economic Forum: Honorary membership was awarded to the following former member of the VEF Ambassador Committee:
- Mr. Ozan Ceyhun, former Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the Republic of Austria
As new arbitrator:
- Dr. Willibald Plesser, long-time member and supporter of VEF
Throughout the entire period, VEF has gained new strategic partners through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU):
- Annual Investment Meeting (AIM) Congress, based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), represented by Director General Mr. Walid Farghal
- InvestMoldova Agency, Chişinău, represented by Director Ms. Natalia Bejan
- Robert Schuman Institute, Budapest, represented by President Mariya Gabriel, former EU Commissioner and Deputy Prime Minister of Bulgaria.
…and confirmed by the General Assembly of Vienna Economic Forum.
After the last item on the agenda, the General Assembly was concluded at 5:45 p.m.
Following this year’s board meeting and general assembly, Mr. Mag. Peter Höfinger and Mr. Christoph Rath, Vice President of Vienna Economic Forum, invited attendees to a small reception. Members had the opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss various possibilities for further collaboration in the Vienna Economic Forum region, as well as the upcoming Vienna Economic Forum – Chişinău Meeting 2025, under the Patronage of H.E. Mr. Dorin Recean, Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, which will take place on May 18/19, 2025, in Chișinău.