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The 23rd Traditional Garden Party of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF), in cooperation with Europa-Forum Wachau (EFW), took place during an exclusive boat trip from Krems through the Wachau and back on the ship "MS Dürnstein"
By signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Amb. Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Secretary General of the Vienna Economic Forum, and Amb. Dr. Martin Eichtinger, Special Representative and Coordinator for Neighbourhood Policy and the External Dimension of the Danube Region at the Austrian Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (BMEIA), President of the Europa-Forum Wachau, along with Ms. Theresa Edtstadler-Kulhanek, M.Sc., Managing Director of the Europa-Forum Wachau, agreed to join two major events hosted by VEF and EFW.
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The 23rd Traditional VEF Garden Party, "Culinary and Musical Journey through the Member Countries of Vienna Economic Forum", perfectly complemented the festive conclusion of the 28th Europa-Forum Wachau held from 20th to 22nd June 2024.
As traditionally done for many years, on 21st June 2024, the ambassadors of the member countries of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF), members of the VEF- Ambassadors Committee, and the Secretary General and founder of VEF, Amb. Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, invited guests to celebrate the popular VEF Summer Event along with the "Danube Salon Europa-Forum Wachau" during an exclusive boat trip from Krems through the Wachau and back aboard the ship "MS Dürnstein".
Following warm words of welcome from Ambassador Dr. Martin Eichtinger, President of the Europa-Forum Wachau, Secretary General Dr. Elena Kirtcheva recalled the history behind the beginning of the popular VEF- garden party in 2002 and the subsequent founding of Vienna Economic Forum two years later in 2004, aimed at promoting intercultural and international understanding primarily in the economic sector.
Together with the President of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Emil Brix, Secretary General Dr. Elena Kirtcheva extended thanks to Ambassador Dr. Eichtinger, President of the Europa-Forum Wachau, for their collaboration and for the idea of organizing this year's 23rd VEF Garden Party within the framework of the 28th Europa-Forum Wachau, emphasizing the importance of the exclusive opportunity to enjoy the special atmosphere "by the beautiful blue Danube".
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She also expressed gratitude to the Director of VEF's long-standing strategic partner, the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Mag. Sebastian Schäffer, MA.
Special thanks were extended by the Secretary General to the Governor of Lower Austria, Ms. Johanna Mikl-Leitner, for her high appreciation of the collaboration with VEF Member Countries and active participation in the economic development of the VEF region "From the Adriatic to the Black Sea".
A heartfelt thanks was also given by the Secretary General to Federal Minister Karoline Edtstadler for her support and esteemed participation on behalf of the Austrian government at the 20. Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum in the Vienna City Hall in November 2023.
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20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Future Dialogue 2023

The 20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Future Dialogue 2023 took place on 13th November 2023 in the Festive Hall of the Vienna City Hall/Wiener Rathaus. Under the motto "Continuing to Build Economic Bridges During Difficult Times “, the Board of Vienna Economic Forum had the honour and the pleasure to welcome the invited participants, high-ranking decision-makers from economy and politics from 41 countries.

In her Opening Words Amb. Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Founder and Member of the Board, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum underlined the vision of the founding fathers of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) in 2004 to support active economic cooperation in the region “From the Adriatic to the Black Sea” and under the Motto “Economy meets Politics” to encourage the development of common activities. This inspiring vision enabled the successful work of Vienna Economic Forum throughout these two decades and contributed to the consolidation of the whole region and its recognition as a common economic area by many investors and representatives of different regional, European and worldwide branches of the economy. The Secretary General expressed a big Thank You to the City of Vienna and especially to the Mayor and Governor of Vienna, Dr. Michael Ludwig for the exclusive possibility to organise the 20th Anniversary of Vienna Economic Forum at the remarkable Festive Hall of the City of Vienna.



20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Foru Family Forum

20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum Award

Welcoming Words on behalf of Dr. Michael Ludwig, Mayor and Governor of Vienna, were held by Mr. Jürgen Czernohorszky, Executive City Councillor of the City of Vienna, focusing on the special importance and symbolic meaning of this 20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum taking place in the centre of Vienna, as well as the special role of the City of Vienna in fostering relations and building bridges, especially in times when it is most needed.

H.E. Ms. Karoline Edtstadler, Federal Minister for the EU and Constitution at the Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria, stated in her welcoming words how particularly relevant it is to "Continue to build economic bridges during difficult times", against the backdrop of multiple conflicts and crises that we are currently facing. She mentioned the recovery plan for Ukraine, emphasized the importance of EU integration for the Western Balkans, and highlighted bridging with the private sector as crucial to driving forward the common aims of addressing these challenges.

The former Federal Chancellor of Austria Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel, Founding Father and Honorary Member of Vienna Economic Forum, spoke about the historical context of the 20 years of existence of Vienna Economic Forum. He mentioned the momentum of optimism during the establishing of Vienna Economic Forum in 2004 and when 10 new countries accessed the EU. Dr. Schüssel highlighted the need for free market development to go hand in hand with liberal democracy. He mentioned the special responsibility of Vienna as being once again at the centre of transformations, as well as the special role of Vienna Economic Forum as crucial to these processes. He closed his remark by saying: “We need to be not optimists, not pessimists, but possibilists.”

DI Dr. Günther Rabensteiner, Honorary President of Vienna Economic Forum highlighted the role played by Vienna Economic Forum in economic diplomacy for the past 20 years, and the role of this event as a new starting point for an intensive thought process, which require the strengthening of economic relations as a supporting and connecting role in conflict resolution. DI Dr. Rabensteiner stressed how this sort of event is and this event is a plead for the future and that the past initiatives of VEF on building infrastructure networks for transport, energy, telecommunications, banking and insurance, the areas of education and health becoming increasingly important in these circumstances.

This session was concluded by the statement of the President of Vienna Economic Forum Amb. Victor Jackovich, who emphasised the importance of this 20th Jubilee of Vienna Economic Forum, stemming from the vision to create a region “From the Adriatic to the Black Sea”. He stressed that Vienna Economic Forum is a platform for discussing the region's most important issues, such as supporting those countries that seek to join the European Union and the Euro-Atlantic community of democratic states, as well as a meeting point for business leaders who meet with government representatives to identify future markets, find common projects and achieve common goals.

In a Festive Ceremony at the end of the Opening Session, the SPECIAL AWARD "20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum" was presented to the Former Federal Chancellor of Austria, Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel, in appreciation of his outstanding support and significant contribution to the founding of Vienna Economic Forum in 2004.

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19th Vienna Economic Forum – Vienna Future Dialogue 2022

During the 19th Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Future Dialogue 2022 which under the motto "Economy meets Politics in Difficult and Uncertain Times" took place on 14. November 2022 at the Raiffeisen Bank International in Vienna, the Board and the Members of Vienna Economic Forum had the honour and the pleasure to welcome the invited guests, high-ranking decision-makers from economy and politics from 22 countries.

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18. Vienna Economic Forum – Vienna Future Dialogue 2021

Digital Composition

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The Board of Vienna Economic Forum invited the Ambassadors and diplomats of the Member countries to attend the “20th Jubilee Traditional Garden Party “in a small setting” in a form of a seated meal on the banks of the Danube

On behalf of the Board of Vienna Economic Forum, the President of Vienna Economic Forum, DI Peter Umundum and the Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, invited to the 20th Jubilee Traditional Garden Party under the Motto “Culinary and musical journey through the partner countries of Vienna Economic Forum” on 18. June 2021 in the guest garden of the “Donau Restaurant & Grill” in Kritzendorf.

In a small setting due to the current circumstances, the Ambassadors and Diplomats from the VEF Member countries, Members of the Board, Honorary members and longstanding partners enjoyed a sunny afternoon in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, good regional cuisine and a great view of the sunny banks of the Danuber river.

Vienna Economic Forum thanks its Members, Partners and Friends for their constant and active support!

Special Thanks goes to the Österreichische Post AG

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Top-class ambassador breakfast in Hotel Bristol

Closing event of the 16th Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Future Dialogue 2019: "From Planned Economy to Market Economy - 30 years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain"


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15th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Future Dialogue 2018

The Prime Ministers of the Western Balkans - again at the Vienna Economic Forum for a round of cooperation

The Management Board and the Members of the Vienna Economic Forum had the honor and the pleasure to once again welcome high-ranking round of Prime Ministers from the Western Balkans at the 15th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Future Dialogue 2018 which under the motto "Economy Meets Politics" took place at the House of Engineers, on 19 November 2018 in Vienna.

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14th Vienna Economic Forum – Vienna Future Dialogue 2017

For the 14th time, on 6 November 2017, Vienna Economic Forum – THE European economic platform based in Vienna, brought together, under the motto “Economy meets Politics”, high-ranking representatives and visionaries of the economy, politics and diplomacy from the Vienna Economic Forum-region, from Europe and neighbouring region at the Novomatic Forum in Vienna.

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13th Vienna Economic Forum – Vienna Future Dialogue 2016

For the 13th time, on November 21st, the November-Edition of Vienna Economic Forum – THE european economic platform based in Vienna, brought together with great interest, high-ranking representatives and visionairies of the economy, politics and diplomacy of the region, of Europe and other continents at the Novomatic Forum.

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12th Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Dialogue 2015

Investments as a motor for Competitiveness and Growth

On 23 November 2015 Dr. Erhard Busek, President of Vienna Economic Forum and Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum had the pleasure to welcome participants from 39 countries at Palais Niederösterreich in Vienna to the 12th Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Dialogue 2015

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