Top-class ambassador breakfast in Hotel Bristol

Closing event of the 16th Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Future Dialogue 2019: "From Planned Economy to Market Economy - 30 years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain"




Prof. KR Mag. Gertrud Tauchhammer, publisher of the SOCIETY magazine and Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Ambassador a.D. and General Secretary Vienna Economic Forum hosted an ambassador's breakfast for the 16th Vienna Economic Forum Vienna Future Dialogue at Hotel Bristol.

Under the title "Market Economy - 30 years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain", H.E. Victor Jackovich, former US ambassador to Sarajevo and Ljubljana and board member of the VEF, H.E. Victor Osipov, Ambassador of Moldova and member of the VEF Ambassador Committee, Ivo Ivanovski, Director M & A, International Affairs and Regulation of the A1 Telekom Austria Group, cooperation partner of the Vienna Economic Forum, H.E. Dmitrii Liubinskii, Ambassador of the Russian Federation, H.E. Jolanta Róża Kozłowska, Ambassador of Poland, H.E. Peter Mišík, Ambassador of Slovakia, DI Günther Rabensteiner, President of the Vienna Economic Forum, Mag. Harald Neumann, CEO Novomatic, Vice-President of the VEF and Honorary Consul of Romania with consular district of Lower Austria, Dr. Stephan Pachinger, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, board member of the VEF and Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Secretary General of the VEF, presents her keynote Speeches.

Mag. Gertrud Tauchhammer and Amb. Dr. Elena Kirtcheva welcomed the guests and the speakers and underlined the excellent cooperation of SOCIETY and the Vienna Economic Forum. The event was moderated by Dr. Sonja Sagmeister of the ORF editors, Current Service, who asked the participants for their personal reminder of 9 November 1989.

"The information came in Bulgaria only a day later. Millions of people were on the streets the day after, "recalled Mrs. Kirtcheva. "Later on I got the first free elections and I will never forget that" Kirtcheva continues. The Polish Ambassador, H.E. Jolanta Róża Kozłowska expressed herself emotionally: "I especially remember this big round table, where the two warring sides - the Communists and the opposition - sat opposite each other and engaged in dialogue about the future of a country. That was an experience."

After a brief final discussion, the guests, including the Ambassador of Afghanistan, H.E. Khojesta Fana Ebrahimkhel, Ambassador of Finland, H.E. Pirkko Mirjami Hämäläinen, the ambassador of Iraq, H.E. Baker Fattah Hussen, Ambassador of Palestine, S.E. Salahaldin Abdulhafi, Ambassador Yemen, S.E. Haytham Abdulmomen Hassan Shoja'aadin, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina, H.E. Kemal Kozaric, Dmitry Sokolov, Director of the Russian Cultural Institute, Igor Belov, Board Member of the United Nations Correspondents Association, Annabella Busawule Johnson, ABJ, AndelaCelebic Vukadinovic, Embassy Counselor of the Embassy of Montenegro, Henryk Czubek, Advisor to the Permanent Representative of Poland to the UN and others International Organizations, Konstantin Chizhik, First Counselor of Belarus, Rita Davidson, Auris Immo Solutions GmbH, Elena Garanina of Immotrading, Emilija Grankova of B1 Fashion, Konstantin Habsburg-Lorraine and Camilla Habsburg-Lorraine, Georg Krauchenberg of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe, Harald Lassmann, Managing Director of Russia Fachspedition, Martin Nesirky, Director of the United Nations Office, Heinz Schinner, Vermögensstreuhand- & Versicherungsberatungs GmbH, Kurt Tiroch, Austro-British Society, Reinhart Waneck of the Association of Senior Hospital Physicians Austria and Ron Willis, President of the Club f or Trade Delegates, shared their thoughts and impressions on the topic and the very interesting contributions of the keynote speakers with a rich breakfast that then let the day end comfortably.


Vienna Economic Forum is pleased about further active cooperation with Society Magazine!

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16th  Vienna Economic Forum – Vienna Future Dialogue 2019: "From Planned Economy to Market Economy - 30 Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain"




16th Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Future Dialogue 2019: "From Planned Economy to Market Economy- 30 Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain"

The President of Vienna Economic Forum, DI Günther Rabensteiner and the Secretary General of  Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva have had the honour and the pleasure to welcome the participants, high-ranking decision makers from the areas of economy and politics from 34 countries of the region, Europe and world-wide to the 16th Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Future Dialogue 2019, which under the motto “From Planned Economy to Market Economy - 30 Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain” took place in Novomatic Forum in Vienna, on 18. November 2019 .

The opening of the conference was moderated by Dr. Sonja Sagmeister, Author and Journalist, ZIB 2, ORF.

The Secretary General, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva in her opening speech spoke about the symbolism of the 30th anniversary of the so-called "turn", which brought the fall of the "Iron Curtain"  and opened new horizons for East-West economic relations. It is exactly the experience drawn from the personal knowledge of Planned economy that contributes to the understanding and appreciation of the objectives that Vienna Economic Forum set for itself in 2004 and ongoing: „ in the heart of Europe, from Vienna, we strive for the economic development of the countries from South-Eastern Europe, most of which also know what planned economy is. It is our goal to assist in their economic development and to regard all as an economic region as a whole“, the Secretary General said. Furthermore, she elaborated on yet another side of the "reunification" in the last 30 years, namely the phenomenon of "power" women arising from the Balkan, the VEF region, as well as world-wide, a "phenomenon" of which we all should be proud of and nourish in the years to come. 

In his welcoming address, the host, Mag. Harald Neumann, CEO, Novomatic AG, Vice President of Vienna Economic Forum and Honorary Consul of Romania with Consular District of Lower Austria stated that economic cooperation is key for the success of the South Eastern European region.

The President of Vienna Economic Forum, DI Günther Rabensteiner thanked all present at the 16th Vienna Economic Forum – Vienna Future Dialogue 2019: “From Planned Economy to Market Economy – 30 Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain”. He stated that a political bridge is easy to destroy. A strong economic network, on the other hand, is not easy to tear down. VEF will stand to build an economic bridge that will last.

In her video message, which is specially prepared and dedicated to the 16th Vienna Economic Forum, the Managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva stated that 30 Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain, the SEE region has come a long way. This journey will continue and will deliver a better living for the people.

In his Impulse Statement, the President of the Republic of Austria (2004-2016) and Patron of Vienna Economic Forum, Dr. Heinz Fischer reminded that social change usually starts slowly, but then ultimately it reaches high velocity and power. The problems of today have changed, but they have not diminished. In the past 30 years, the number of democracies has been increasing; the principles of market economy have gained ground; the new democracy (Eastern Block) today are wealthier and have been seeing progress. Homogeneity has been lost. EU has become a little cumbersome, the trust in the EU has been diminished. Furthermore, the danger of radical nationalism is concerning. Dr. Fischer further stated that different opinions within the EU have not been overcome, therefore there is lots to discuss. This event is but one contribution. History does not know an end.

In her Main Statement, the European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, H.E. Ms. Mariya Gabriel pointed out that Europe is lagging behind in digital innovation. The world of Tomorrow will belong to those who can master the digital world. Furthermore, a focus should be put on the education in digital skills. Last but not least, our vulnerabilities must be addressed. Adapting market economy in a digital context is key, according to H.E. EU Commissioner Gabriel. Artificial Intelligence is the game changer. Sovereignty and strategic plutonomy, together with greater control of digital supply change is very important. “We have achieved a lot, now I am waiting for our future work. EU digitalization is finally on top of the agenda.”

During the following working session "From Planned Economy to Market Economy - 30 Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain", moderated by DI Peter Umundum, Member of the Board of Österreichische Post AG and Vice-President of Vienna Economic Forum, the new Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), Dr. Lilyana Pavlova in her Main Statement pointed out that the EIB is focused on combining efforts to become a climate bank. Though we have come a long way in the last 30 years, the Western Balkans countries have a long way to go in order to be able to boost their indicators for innovation and development. By the year 2030, the goal is to work on energy lending policy and climate policy.

The Members of the Board of Vienna Economic Forum, Mag. Thomas Arnoldner, CEO of A1 Telekom Austria Group, Dr. Emmanuel Forest, CEO, BOUYGUES Europe SA, Paris, Dr. Stephan Pachinger, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhauser Deringer LLP, Dr. Gabriel Lansky, Partner, LANSKY, GANZGER + partner, Mr. Arda Ermut, President, Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Investment Office, participated with their valuable contributions and personal experiences in the lively discussion on the topic of “From Planned Economy to Market Economy – 30 Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain”.

During the first part of the traditional Annual Award Ceremony of the 16th Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Future Dialogue 2019, A1 Telekom Austria Group was unanimously nominated and honoured with the Vienna Economic Forum Award - „Cooperation Partner of the Year 2019“. The award was accepted by the CEO, Mag. Thomas Arnoldner.

The award „Country Partner of the Year 2019“ was awarded to the member country Republic of North Macedonia for the long-standing, excellent collaboration. The award was received by H.E. Mr. Naser Nuredini, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of North Macedonia, on behalf of the Government and the Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Zoran Zaev, Patron of Vienna Economic Forum, who addressed the participants and the audience with a distinguished video message.

The Session „Economy as a Driving Force: One Region - One Economy" was moderated by the VEF Board Member and President of Jackovich International LLC, USA, Ambassador Victor Jackovich.

In his impulse statement, H.E. Mr. Naser Nuredini, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of North Macedonia stated that “We as a region need to work together to solve our common environmental issues and develop our economies”.

In the exciting discussion that followed, Mr. Aleksandar Vlahovic, President, Serbian Association of Economists and Board member of Vienna Economic Forum, Ms. Tatjana Shterjova, Director, Directorate of Branch Associations and Regional Chambers, Economic Chamber of the Republic of North Macedonia, Mr. Goran Milinic, Director, Agency for the Promotion of Foreign Investment (FIPA) of Bosnia and Herzegovina provided with a special input followed by a very intensive Q and A Session.

During the lunch that followed, the participants and guests had the opportunity to intensively exchange ideas in an informal and friendly atmosphere, as well as to further make and maintain contacts.

The subsequent echo has been exceedingly positive and will be soon published on this web site.

Vienna Economic Forum would like to thank all members, partners and friends for the enduring and constant support which further drives us to reach for bigger goals and constantly expand our horizons!

Special thanks goes to: A1 Telekom Austria Group, AME International GmbH, Bouygues Europe SA, CANON CEE GmbH, DenizBank AG, Ecolog International FZE, EVN AG, Vienna International Airport, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, HYPO NOE Landesbank, Jackovich International LLC, LANSKY, GANZGER + partner, Novomatic AG, Austrian Post Ltd, Penkov, Markov & Partners, International Law Firm, Raiffeisen Bank International, Serbian Association of Economists, Siemens AG Austria, Sopharma PLC, The Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Investment Office, Verbund AG, Wiener Börse AG, Wien Holding GmbH.

Additionally, Vienna Economic Forum would like to extend a special gratitude to Verbund AG, Novomatic AG, Penkov, Markov & Partners, International Law Firm, Sopharma PLC, Ecolog International.

Last but not least, Vienna Economic Forum extends a sincere recognition and appreciation to MonitorTV and Society Magazine for the active support!

The program can be found here.



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Welcome Cocktail on the 17th of November 2019 on the occasion of  The 16th Vienna Economic Forum – Vienna Future Dialogue 2019: „From Planned Economy to Market Economy- 30 Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain” 


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Dear Members, Partners and Friends of Vienna Economic Forum,

the Board of Vienna Economic Forum has the pleasure to welcome you and yours business partners at 16.  Vienna Economic Forum – Vienna Future Dialogue 2019: „From Planned Economy to Market Economy- 30 Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain” on 18 November 2019, from 9.30 am to 14.30 pm, in Novomatic Forum in Vienna.

The programme is available here.





The 18th Traditional Vienna Economic Forum Garden Party - in the sign of regional understanding between nations

On 14. June 2019, Vienna Economic Forum together with the Ambassadors of the Member countries of Vienna Economic Forum invited to the 18th Traditional Garden Party “Culinary and musical journey through the partner countries of Vienna Economic Forum”, which took place in the garden of the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna. 

The many guests from all Member countries, many European countries and the world were treated by the Embassies with country-specific and traditional culinary delicacies. The diverse artistic programme, with performances by Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Turkey, was very much enjoyed by the guests - the folk dances of the region encouraged many to dance.

In addition to the Ambassadors of the Member states, Secretary General Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva and the President of Vienna Economic Forum DI. Günther Rabensteiner, together with other VEF Board members welcomed the participants.

The nice atmosphere, the culinary delicacies, the musical delight and the unique atmosphere have once again proven how much the people of the region from the Adriatic Sea to the Black Sea are connected.

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Fotos: SOCIETY/Salas-Torrero



Vienna Economic Talks - New Perspectives for the Republic of North Macedonia

The Vienna Economic Talks - New Perspectives for the Republic of North Macedonia took place at the headquarters of the A1 Telekom Austria Group on May 20, 2019 and Vienna Economic Forum is proud to have organized this special conference with participants from 28 countries.

The conference aimed to focus on more intensive economic development of the Republic of North Macedonia and thus the whole region, as well as to bring the members of Vienna Economic Forum - renowned Austrian, European and international companies, with representatives of the official delegation of the Republic of North Macedonia closer.

In the interactive discussions under the VEF moto "Business meets politics", high-ranking and decision-making representatives of the economy tackled the question of how increased economic cooperation could positively influence new regional perspectives. The focus of all considerations was the economic development not only of the country, but also of the whole region.

The High-ranking Delegation of the Republic of North Macedonia was led by H.E. Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, Patron of Vienna Economic Forum and included H.E. Dr. Kocho Angjushev, Vice Prime Minister, responsible for economic affairs, H.E. Dr. Dragan Tevdovski, Minister of Finance and H.E. Dr. Arber Ademi, Minister of Education and Science.

The entire conference was moderated by VEF member of the Board and President of Jackovich International LLC, USA, Ambassador Victor Jackovich and Dr. Sonja Sagmeister, author and journalist, ZIB 2, ORF.

In her opening speech, Secretary General, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, expressed her great pleasure in being able to welcome all participants and guests of this first international conference for the Republic of North Macedonia abroad. After three historically important steps: the last parliamentary elections and the government election; the solving of the name issue with neighboring Greece; and the recent presidential elections; for the first time in almost three decades, came a day that the Republic of North Macedonia is seen in a new light worldwide!

The host and Member of the Board of Vienna Economic Forum, Mag. Thomas Arnoldner, CEO of the A1 Telekom Austria Group, was delighted to welcome all participants and guests to this important conference in the A1 headquarters. He talked about the current and further planned activities of the A1 Telekom Austria Group and explained the significant cooperation with the Republic of North Macedonia and the countries of the VEF region.

The President of Vienna Economic Forum, DI Dr. Günther Rabensteiner thanked Mag. Thomas Arnoldner and the whole A1 Telekom Austria Group for the hospitality and talked about the active participation of the Vienna Economic Forum in the VEF countries, about the constant support of the local, regional and European economy by organizing such conferences, during which business and politics meet directly to discuss the investment environment of the country.

Keynote Speaker, EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy, H.E. Dr. Johannes Hahn stated that the political stability of the Republic of North Macedonia is the best in the region. Further signs of this were the successful presidential elections. In this direction, Commissioner Hahn encouraged the companies from Austria, to invest in North Macedonia, so that, as he said, this would mean higher profits for the country and job creation. Commissioner Hahn mentioned the progress made by North Macedonia in all areas and expressed the hope that the country would have a fixed date for starting negotiations with the European Union and therefore that the first chapters could be opened by the end of this year.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia, H.E. Mr. Zoran Zaev, thanked all participants and especially Vienna Economic Forum, for the idea and the excellent realization of this first conference abroad under the new name "Republic of North Macedonia". He expressed his appreciation that this year Vienna Economic Forum focuses on investment opportunities in the Republic of North Macedonia and explicitly emphasized that Austria is a strong ally in the Euro-Atlantic integration. H.E. Mr. Zaev emphasized that Austria has been the largest investor in North Macedonia for the past 10 years. He also talked about the Prespa agreement, the successful presidential elections in the country, as well as ongoing reforms of the judiciary, the security system, public administration and the fight against corruption, which remains a top priority for the work of the government. He pointed out that 2019 will be the year of the economy, as a continuation of the economic progress of the previous year and he added that North Macedonia will continue to serve as a role model for the entire region, that the country remains reliable and stable, a land that cares and provides investors with the right conditions for the development of business ideas.

H.E. Dr. Kocho Angjushev, Vice Prime Minister, responsible for economic affairs, H.E. Dr. Dragan Tevdovski, Minister of Finance and H.E. Dr. Arber Ademi, Minister of Education and Science gave presentations on investment and economic development opportunities in the country, as well as on reforms in the education.

The VEF Board was represented by Mag. Stefan Szyskowitz, Spokesman of the Board of Management, EVN AG, Member of the Board of Vienna Economic Forum and Mag. Heinz Messinger, Managing Director of AME International GmbH, member of the Board of Vienna Economic Forum. VEF had the honor to further share the expert opinion of Mr. Andrew McDowell, Vice President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), Dr. Linda Van Gelder, Regional Director of the Western Balkans, World Bank, Dr. Anita Richter, Program Manager for the Western Balkans, OECD and Mr. Symeon Tsomokos, Founder and Chairman of the Delphi Economic Forum, Greece, Strategic Partner of Vienna Economic Forum, as well as other members of the VEF and senior representatives of the Austrian and international economy.

As part of the Vienna Economic Talks - New Perspectives for the Republic of North Macedonia, the Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia and his delegation were invited to discuss concrete economic projects and to enable and accelerate their implementation in bilateral talks with high-ranking representatives of Austrian, regional and European companies - Members of Vienna Economic Forum.

On the pre-eve of the Conference, the Honorary Member of Vienna Economic Forum, KR Aki Nuredini, together with the VEF Board, invited to a welcome cocktail in his Bar Sole. The unique atmosphere and hospitality of the host, very well-known and popular in Vienna and in the countries of the VEF region, has added significantly to the good mood and future-oriented discussions. The Vienna Economic Forum thanks KR Aki Nuredini for that.

The evening before, Prime Minister Zaev met with the former Federal President of the Republic of Austria (2014-2016) Dr. Heinz Fischer, Patron of Vienna Economic Forum. Dr. Heinz Fischer emphasized that Europe should reward the Republic of North Macedonia for its courage to face these difficult challenges.

Vienna Economic Forum especially thanks the CEO of A1 Telekom Austria Group and VEF board member, Mag. Thomas Arnoldner, for the generous support and for ensuring that the "Vienna Economic Talks - New Perspectives for the Republic of North Macedonia" was organized in the Headquarters of A1 were organized in Vienna.

Furthermore, Vienna Economic Forum sincerely thanks all cooperation partners, Vienna Insurance Group (VIG), Delphi Forum, MonitorTV and Society Magazine for the active support!

It is the aim of Vienna Economic Forum to contribute to the regional economic development of the entire South-Eastern Europe region and we would like to announce the "16th Vienna Economic Forum - 30 Years after" which is to be held on 18. November, 2019 in the Novomatic Forum in Vienna.

You can find the programme here.  









Copyright: A1 / APA Fotoservice Daniel Hinterramskogler 

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Copyright: A1 / APA Fotoservice Daniel Hinterramskogler


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