Working meeting between the VEF President and the VEF Secretary General with the Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia

On October 22, 2024, the President of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF), Ambassador Dr. Emil Brix, Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, and the Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, met with H.E. Mr. Hristijan Mickoski, the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, and his delegation.

Opportunities for more intensive future cooperation were discussed, along with specific projects, including the possibility of organizing the Vienna Economic Forum – Skopje Meeting 2025.

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Working Visit of the New Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova, H.E. Mrs. Victoria Roșa

On October 3, 2024, the Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF), Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, welcomed the new Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova, H.E. Mrs. Victoria Roșa, for a working visit.

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In a very friendly atmosphere, thoughts were exchanged on further deepening cooperation. In the course of the intensive preparations for the upcoming 21. Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Future Dialogue 2024 scheduled for November 4, 2024, the planning for the high-level participation of the promising VEF- Founding Member Country Moldova, was placed in the foreground.

Vienna Economic Forum Forum wishes H.E. Ambassador Victoria Roșa much success in fulfilling her highly responsible diplomatic mission in the Republic of Austria.

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Mr. Frank Schuster, Head of the EIB Group Office in Austria, at a Working Meeting with Vienna Economic Forum (VEF)

On October 3, 2024, Ambassador a.D. Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF), had the pleasure of welcoming Mr. Frank Schuster, Head of the EIB Group Office in Austria, at the premises of Vienna Economic Forum.

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The Secretary General emphasized the importance of the long-standing cooperation between Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) — both with the headquarters of the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg and the EIB Office in Vienna.

The discussion with Mr. Frank Schuster, as the new Head of the EIB Group Office in Austria, also covered the support of the European Investment Bank Group (EIBG) for the upcoming 21st Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Future Dialogue 2024, which will take place on November 4, 2024, in Vienna, as well as the active participation of senior representatives of the EIB in the program.

The conversation was held in a very friendly atmosphere and explored further opportunities for a future and even more active collaboration.

Vienna Economic Forum looks forward to continuing to contribute to regional cooperation and the important promotion of mutual understanding, in partnership with the EIB Office in Vienna.

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Vienna Economic Forum - Cooperation Partner Novomatic AG places emphasis squarely on employee health and safety

Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) is pleased to report, that the VEF- Cooperation partner Novomatic AG, with its annual Health and Safety Day for the approximately 1,300 employees at the company head office in Gumpoldskirchen, Lower Austria, emphasizes its strong commitment to promoting workplace health and safety.

During this year’s Health and Safety Day, the company once again focused on the topics of health, nutrition, sports and exercise, as well as workplace safety, thereby sending a strong signal about the great importance of workplace health and safety at NOVOMATIC.

Vienna Economic Forum wishes the entire Board of NOVOMATIC and all employees continued success in the future.

Click here for the press release.
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Vienna Economic Forum - Cooperation Partner Novomatic AG is Austria's second most valuable brand company

Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) is pleased to report, that the VEF- Cooperation partner Novomatic AG, with over 25,300 employees worldwide and operations in more than 120 countries, has secured top positions in both brand value and the Sustainable Brand Ranking of the EBI.

With a significant increase in brand value, VEF cooperation partner Novomatic AG has achieved an outstanding second place in the brand value study and has also recorded the largest value increase within a year among the top 10 companies in the country.

These top positions in the Austrian Brand Value Study and the Sustainable Brand Ranking underscore Novomatic AG's standing as one of Austria's leading brand companies, once again demonstrating the gaming technology group's strong commitment to sustainabilty.

VEF congratulates its cooperation partner Novomatic AG on this success and wishes them many more achievements in the future.

Click here for the press release.

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Working visit of the Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, to H.E. Mr. Albin Kurti, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Patron of Vienna Economic Forum

On 15 June 2024, the Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF), Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, was welcomed by H.E. Mr. Albin Kurti, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Patron of Vienna Economic Forum, at the Office of the Prime Minister in the VEF-Member Country Kosovo.

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The focus of the discussion was the next steps to further develop the role of VEF and promote companies from Kosovo in the VEF- Economic Area as a measure towards economic development of The Republic of Kosovo inthe VEF- Region.


During the meeting, the possibility of advancing further recognition of VEF as an international economic platform based in Vienna, with the help of the Republic of Kosovo as a VEF member, was discussed, as well as the organization of the 21st Vienna Economic Forum in Vienna in November 2024.

Furthermore, the focus was also on establishing a VEF- Branch Office in the Republic of Kosovo, which will be agreed upon through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between VEF and the Prime Minister's Office.

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo is committed to close cooperation with VEF and both parties together will work further on promoting economic cooperation and intenarional understanding among the 13 VEF- Member Countries.

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Please find here the link to the official website of the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo: Official Website of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo.

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Working visit of the Ambassador of Albania to the Republic of Austria, H.E. Prof. Fate Velaj, at Vienna Economic Forum

On May 24, 2024, the Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva welcomed the designated Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to the Republic of Austria, H.E. Prof. Fate Velaj for a working visit at the premises of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF).

Botschafter Prof.Velaj beimVEF 24.May2024 Web

In a very friendly atmosphere, ideas about further in-depth cooperation with the Embassy of Albania were exchanged. The focus of the discussion was on the preparations for the upcoming 21st Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Future Dialogue 2024, which will take place on November 4th, 2024 at Haus der Ingenieure, Beletage, Eschenbachgasse 9.

The concrete initiative was discussed to organize Vienna Economic Forum - Tirana Meeting 2025 in May 2025 in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Albania.

Vienna Economic Forum is pleased to welcome H.E. Prof. Fate Velaj as a new member of the Ambassadors Committee of Vienna Economic Forum and wishes him a lot of success in implementing his important diplomatic mission in Austria.

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Vienna Economic Forum – Sofia Meeting 2024

The Board of Vienna Economic Forum and „Glavbolgarstroy Holding“ (GBS) VEF-Sofia Branch had the pleasure to invite high-ranking participants - representatives of regional politics and the global economy to the Official Opening of the Vienna Economic Forum - Sofia Meeting 2024 followed by Welcome Cocktail on on Sunday, 21 April 2024 in Grand Hotel Millennium Sofia.

Vienna Economic Forum – Sofia Meeting 2024 took place on 22nd April 2024 in the Trijadiza Hall of the state-owned Boyana Residency, in Sofia. Vienna Economic Forum is proud to have had co-organised the event together with the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria under the Motto "Continuing to build economic bridges during difficult times". 






Please find hereby the links to the Media Release:

Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (BTA)

Invest Bulgaria Agency (IBA), Main Cooperation Partner of VEF

Explore the VEF - Sofia Meeting 2024 gallery by clicking 'view more'.

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Debug: specified directory - https://vienna-economic-forum.com/images/VEF_Sofia_Meeting_2024

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Working visit of Mr. Hubert Cottogni, Head of EIB Group Office in Austria, and Ms. Kristina Kirilova, MBA, Office Manager of the Group Office in Austria at Vienna Economic Forum (VEF)

On March 19, 2024, the Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, received Mr. Hubert Cottogni, Head of the EIB Group Office in Austria, and Ms. Kristina Kirilova, MBA, Office Manager of the EIB Group Office in Austria, at the premises of Vienna Economic Forum.IEBG Herr Hubert Cottogni beim VEF 19.03.2024 WEB

The conversation proceeded in a very friendly atmosphere and focused on the possibilities for an even more active cooperation between Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) and the European Investment Bank Group (EIBG), particularly with the EIB representation in Vienna.

Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva emphasized the collaboration and support of the European Investment Bank Group (EIBG) for the upcoming Vienna Economic Forum – Sofia Meeting 2024, scheduled for April 21/22, 2024, in Sofia, and expressed gratitude for the active participation of senior representatives of the EIBG in the program.

Vienna Economic Forum is looking forward to the promising opportunities to continue contributing to regional cooperation and the important cause of intercultural understanding, in close collaboration with the EIBG.

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Regular Board Meeting and Annual General Assembly of Vienna Economic Forum on February 19, 2024, at the Diplomatic Academy Vienna

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Here is the press release.

The regular board meeting, followed by the annual general assembly of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) in 2024, took place on February 19 at the Diplomatic Academy (DA) Vienna.

The host, Ambassador Dr. Emil Brix, Director of the Diplomatic Academy (DA) Vienna and Board Member of VEF, welcomed the participients in the Bruno Kreisky Hall.

Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Secretary General of VEF, reported on the VEF activities over the past year, highlighting the successful and intensive development of VEF step by step over its 20-year history.

Vienna Economic Forum is proud to have jointly organized Vienna Economic Talks - Prishtina Meeting 2023 with the Government of the Republic of Kosovo on May 8, 2023, in Prishtina, under the patronage of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo and Patron of Vienna Economic Forum, H.E. Mr. Albin Kurti.

The high-level participants, representing regional and European politics and economics, significantly contributed to the great success of the event. The lively debates focused on the exciting topic: "Regional Cooperation in a Fragmented Environment", discussing Kosovo's economic resilience and development through cooperation.

On June 16, 2023, the 22nd Traditional Garden Party of Vienna Economic Forum took place in the Paradise Garden of Villa Flora under the hosting of KR Prof. Gertrud Tauchhammer, Publisher of Society Magazine, a long-standing VEF media partner, and VEF Honorary Member.

Secretary General Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva emphasized the great success of the 20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Future Dialogue 2023, held on November 13, 2023, under the motto "Continuing to Build Economic Bridges During Difficult Times" in the Festsaal of the Vienna City Hall, with high-ranking decision-makers from business and politics from 41 countries.

Secretary General reiterated the vision of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) founding fathers from 2004 to support active economic cooperation in the region "From the Adriatic to the Black Sea" and to promote the development of common activities according to the motto "Economy Meets Politics". She thanked the City of Vienna and especially the Mayor of Vienna, Dr. Michael Ludwig, for the wonderful opportunity to hold the 20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum in the impressive Festsaal of the Vienna City Hall.

In addition, Secretary General Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva expressed her heartfelt thanks to all members, partners, and friends of Vienna Economic Forum for their great trust and constant support, which continues to motivate the VEF team to expand its horizons to achieve new great goals.

A special heartfelt thank you was expressed by the Secretary General, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, to the VEF President in 2023, Ambassador Victor Jackovich. She emphasized that with his extensive knowledge in diplomacy, politics, and economics, he made a significant contribution to the continued positive development of VEF in 2023 and enabled the further achievement high goals of Vienna Economic Forum. VEF is looking forward to further active collaboration with Ambassador Victor Jackovich as an honorary member of the Vienna Economic Forum.

According to the statutes, Mag. Peter Höfinger, Vice President of the Vienna Economic Forum, led the agenda. The appointment of the new president and new members was proposed by the board and confirmed by the general assembly.

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For new President of Vienna Economic Forum was elected:

1. Ambassador Dr. Emil Brix, Director, Diplomatische Akademie Wien -Vienna School of International Studies , Member of the Board of Vienna Economic Forum.

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New board members were elected:

1. Mag. Mila Nenova, as a representative of the Ordinary Member - Cooperation Partner InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA)
2. Eng. Kalin Peshov, MBA, as a representative of the Ordinary Member - Cooperation Partner Glavbolgarstroy Holding AD (GBS Holding)

New cooperation partner members were elected:

1. InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA)
2. Glavbolgarstroy Holding AD (GBS Holding)

New legal entity members were elected:

1. MADIS Consulting Kft.
2. Zero Waste Ltd.
3. JAF Bulgaria Ltd.

The following natural persons were elected as members:

1. Mr. Zlatko Kolevski
2. Ambassador Dr. Emil Brix

As a new member of the Patronage Committee were elected: 

1. H.E. Ms. Borjana Krišto, Chairwoman of Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. H.E. Mr. Academician Nikolai Denkov, Prime Minister of Bulgaria
3. H.E. Mr. Dorin Recean, Prime Minister of Moldova
4. H.E. Mr. Milojko Spajić, Prime Minister of Montenegro

As a new member of the Ambassador Committee was elected:

1. H.E. Mr. Siniša Bencun, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina

As Members of the Honorary Commmittee of Vienna Economic Forum were elected:

1. Ambassador Victor Jackovich, President of Vienna Economic Forum in 2023, President, Jackovich International LLC, USA.
2. Dr. Lilyana Pavlova - Former Minister of Regional Development and Public Works of Bulgaria (2014–2017), Former Minister for the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU (2017–2018), Former Vice President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) (2019–2023)
3. Ms. Boriana Jossifova - Renowned journalist, long-time supporter of Vienna Economic Forum

After the election and appointment of new members, Mag. Peter Höfinger, Vice President of the Vienna Economic Forum, handed over the floor to the newly elected VEF President Ambassador Dr. Emil Brix, Director, Diplomatic Academy (DA) Vienna, who thanked everyone for their trust and expressed his willingness to strongly support the further development of VEF.

After the last item on the agenda, the general assembly concluded at 6 p.m.

The event was followed by further discussions on developing new opportunities for closer cooperation and ended in a festive atmosphere.


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Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) is pleased to congratulate Mag. Stefan Krenn, LL.M., as a new Board Member of VEF cooperation partner Novomatic AG!

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The Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, took the opportunity during the regular board meeting and annual general assembly of Vienna Economic Forum on February 19, 2024, at the Diplomatic Academy Vienna, to extend good wishes to Mag. Stefan Krenn, LL.M., for his new responsible position and to wish him further success.

VEF and Novomatic AG share a long-standing excellent cooperation. CEO Dipl.-Ing. Ryszard Presch has been elected as VEF Vice President representing Novomatic AG.

Vienna Economic Forum wishes significant success and continued global recognition to the entire extended board of Novomatic AG, its cooperation partner!

Please find the press release here. 

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Vienna Economic Forum on the one side and the Ministry of Innovations and Technologies of the Republic of Bulgaria, along with the Bulgarian Investment Agency on the other side, sign a cooperation agreement for the period 2024/2025.

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On February 5, 2024, the Vienna Economic Forum, represented by the Secretary-General, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Vice President and Finance Officer Mag. Heinz Messinger, and Auditor Mag. Ekkehart Stremitzer on the one side; and the Ministry of Innovations and Growth of the Republic of Bulgaria, represented by Minister H.E. Milena Stoycheva, and the Bulgarian Investment Agency (BIA), represented by Executive Director Mag. Mila Nenova on the other side, in the presence of Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria H.E. Mrs. Dessislava Naydenova-Gospodinova, signed a cooperation agreement for the period 2024/2025 at the Vienna Economic Forum premises in the Ambassadorial Quarter in Vienna.

With this Cooperation Agreement, the two parties have set the goal not only to actively support the economic development of the entire VEF region "From the Adriatic to the Black Sea" and the VEF member country Bulgaria but also to explore new horizons in the development of VEF as an international organization based in Vienna.

After the official signing of the Cooperaion Ageement, a conversation took place in a very friendly setting and focused on specific plans for future collaboration. Particular emphasis was placed on Vienna Economic Forum - Sofia Meeting 2024, which, upon the invitation of H.E. Mariya Gabriel and in collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria, is scheduled for 21st and 22nd April 2024, in Sofia. The Agenda for 21st April 2024, will revolve around Innovation, Technology, and Education, featuring a Impuls Statement by H.E. Milena Stoycheva, Minister of Innovation and Growth.

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Further deepening of the cooperation between the Vienna Economic Forum and the European Investment Bank (EIB) with its headquarters in Luxembourg and the EIB representation in Vienna.

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On February 5, 2024, the Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, had the pleasure of hosting representatives from the EIB Group office in Austria at the premises of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF).

The central focus of the discussion was the continued intensification of cooperation between Vienna Economic Forum and the European Investment Bank (EIB), particularly with the EIB representation in Vienna. The joint efforts to promote and support the economic development of countries in the Southeast Europe region were highlighted.

In this context, Secretary General, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, emphasized the collaboration and support of the European Investment Bank (EIB) for the upcoming "Vienna Economic Forum – Sofia Meeting 2024," scheduled to take place on April 21-22, 2024, in Sofia. She expressed gratitude for the active participation in the program by senior representatives of the EIB and a high-level delegation from the EIB representation in Vienna.


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Ambassador Dr. Martin Eichtinger, BMEIA, President of Europa-Forum Wachau, and Mrs. Theresa Edtstadler-Kulhanek, M.Sc., Managing Director of the Europa-Forum Wachau, held a working meeting at Vienna Economic Forum (VEF).

On January 23, 2024, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, welcomed Ambassador Dr.iur. Martin Eichtinger, Special Representative and Coordinator for Neighborhood Policy and the Foreign Policy Dimension of the Danube Region, BMEIA, President of Europa-Forum Wachau, and Mrs. Theresa Edtstadler-Kulhanek, M.Sc., Managing Director of Europa-Forum Wachau, at the premises of Vienna Economic Forum.

The meeting took place in a very friendly atmosphere and focused on possibilities for shaping future and more active collaboration. New perspectives were identified, and the parties discussed the possibility of signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to facilitate their development.

The discussion also addressed the potential for combining two major events organized by both parties. The 23rd Traditional Garden Party of  Vienna Economic Forum, "Culinary and Musical Journey through the Member Countries of Vienna Economic Forum," scheduled for June 21, 2024, from 6 pm to 10 pm, could seamlessly connect with the festive conclusion of Europa Forum Wachau planned for the same day.

Vienna Economic Forum looks forward to the promising opportunities to continue contributing, in collaboration with Europa Forum Wachau, to regional cooperation and the crucial goal of promoting international understanding.

Europa Forum Wachau

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Working visit by Mr. Mustafa Ergin, Board Member of the Marmara Group Strategic And Social Research Foundation, at the premises of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF)

On January 9, 2024, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, hosted Mr. Mustafa Ergin, Board Member of Marmara Group Strategic And Social Research Foundation and CEO of ICCERT Group, for a working discussion.

 SG Marmara Foundation Mustafa Ergin

In an extremely friendly atmosphere, the excellent collaboration between the two longstanding strategic partners,  Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) and Marmara Foundation, was discussed, and upcoming joint activities were addressed. The President of the Marmara Foundation, Dr. Akkan Suver, participated in the discussion via video conference from Istanbul.

Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) is pleased to announce that Marmara Foundation will participate in VEF-Sofia Meeting 2024 with a delegation of business leaders from Türkiye.

The discussion also focused on a potential closer collaboration with the ICCERT Group, active in the field of health and oncology, and expressing interest in future production in the VEF member country, Bulgaria.

Vienna Economic Forum maintains an extremely effective longstanding collaboration with the VEF member country Türkiye, and Vienna Economic Forum-Sofia Meeting 2024 will be an opportunity to further deepen these good relations.

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Vienna Economic Forum - Sofia Meeting 2024: Bilateral Meeting between the Secretary General, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, and H.E. Mariya Gabriel, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria

Vienna Economic Forum is pleased to inform you about the bilateral meeting between the Secretary General, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, and H.E. Mariya Gabriel, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria. During this meeting, discussions took place regarding the collaborative organization of the Vienna Economic Forum - Sofia Meeting 2024, upon the invitation of the Bulgarian Government.

Vienna Economic Forum kindly requests VEF members, cooperation partners, strategic partners, and friends to "Save the Date" and invites active participation in the "Vienna Economic Forum - Sofia Meeting 2024", scheduled to take place in Sofia on April 21-22, 2024.

You can find the press release.

Secretary General and Mariya Gabriel web

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