Große Geburtstagsfeier für Herbert Stepic
Der Generaldirektor der Raiffeisen International Bank-Holding AG, Herbert Stepic, feierte zu Silvester 2006 seinen 60. Geburtstag. Auf Einladung von Christian Konrad, Generalanwalt des österreichischen Raiffeisenverbandes, und Walter Rothensteiner, Generaldirektor der Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG, kamen heute über 300 prominente Gratulanten zu einer Festveranstaltung in den Raiffeisensaal im RZB-Gebäude, um Herbert Stepic ihre Glückwünsche zu überbringen.
Sowohl politische Größen wie Vizekanzler Mag. Wilhelm Molterer und Bundesminister Dr. Martin Bartenstein, die Glückwünsche der Bundesregierung überbrachten, als auch zahlreiche hochrangige Repräsentanten der Wirtschaftswelt zählten zu den anwesenden Gästen, darunter natürlich sämtliche Generaldirektoren aus den Raiffeisenlandesbanken. Unter anderem wurden gesehen: Susan McCaw (US-Botschafterin in Wien), Dr. Klaus Liebscher (OeNB), Dr. Rudolf Scholten (OeKB), Dr. Erich Hampel (BA-CA), Mag. Andreas Treichl (Erste Bank), Dr. Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer (OMV), Dr. Hans-Peter Haselsteiner (Strabag), Dr. Claus Raidl (Böhler-Uddeholm), Dr. Karl Stoss (Casinos Austria) und Dipl.Ing. Friedrich Stickler (Österreichische Lotterien).
In seiner Laudatio würdigte Konrad den Jubilar als Mann mit großem Einsatz, dem seine Karriere als Banker nicht in die Wiege gelegt worden sei. Die Raiffeisen-Familie sei stolz auf ihn.
Anlässlich seines Geburtstages richtete Herbert Stepic den Verein "H. Stepic – Osthilfe" zur Unterstützung bedürftiger Kinder, Jugendlicher und Frauen in Zentral- und Osteuropa ein. Die RZB und die Raiffeisen International haben den Fonds mit einem substantiellen Betrag dotiert. Spenden hierzu können an die Raiffeisenlandesbank Niederösterreich-Wien, BLZ 32.000, Konto Nr. 9.573.700 überwiesen werden.
Druckfähige Fotos von der Geburtstagsfeier sind unter folgendem Link abrufbar:
Die Raiffeisen International betreibt eines der führenden Bankennetzwerke in Zentral- und Osteuropa mit Tochterbanken und Leasinggesellschaften in 16 Märkten. Mehr als 11,7 Millionen Kunden werden in über 2.775 Geschäftsstellen betreut. In acht Märkten befindet sich die jeweilige Netzwerkbank unter den drei größten Banken. Repräsentanzen in Litauen und Moldau ergänzen die regionale Präsenz. Die Raiffeisen International ist eine voll konsolidierte Tochter der Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG (RZB). Die RZB hält 70 Prozent der Aktien, der Rest befindet sich im Streubesitz. Die Aktien notieren an der Wiener Börse. Die RZB ist eine führende Kommerz- und Investmentbank Österreichs und das Spitzeninstitut der österreichischen Raiffeisen Bankengruppe, der größten Bankengruppe des Landes.
Karl Fink - obteins Grand Decoration of Honour in Silver for Services to the Republic of Austria
Mr. Karl Fink, Deputy General Manager of Vienna Insurance Group, Member of the Managing Board of Vienna Economic Forum, has been awarded with the Grand Decoration of Honour in Silver for his contribution to the Republic of Austria.
3rd Vienna Economic Forum, 6-7 November 2006
Wie nun schon traditionell geworden, fand in diesem Jahr bereits zum dritten Mal in der ersten Novemberwoche das Vienna Economic Forum statt.
Im Herzen Europas, vom Standort Wien aus, versuchten die mehr als 360 Teilnehmer aus 22 Staaten - neben den „traditionellen“ Teilnehmern aus den Ländern der Region auch solche aus Deutschland, Großbritannien, Polen, Italien, Griechenland, Frankreich, Schweiz, Luxemburg, Japan, Indien - die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Region von der Adria bis zum Schwarzen Meer nicht nur weiter zu diskutieren, sondern sie auch zu beschleunigen. An der Veranstaltung nahmen hochrangige Delegationen der Mitgliedsländer des Vienna Economic Forum teil: aus Albanien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Bulgarien, Kroatien, Mazedonien, Moldau, Rumänien, Serbien, Montenegro, Slowenien und der Türkei.
In diesem Jahr erweiterte sich das Vienna Economic Forum zum ersten Mal auf zwei Tage. Dem großen Interesse der Mitglieder folgend, begann das diesjährige Forum mit einem sehr pragmatisch orientierten Thema:
„Die Bedeutung der langfristigen Finanzierung und die Erfahrungen der European Investment Bank, der EBRD und der Council of Europe Development Bank in Verbindung mit dem Transformationsprozess in der Region“.
Neu war auch die Diskussion der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Entscheidungsträger der Region am zweiten Tag des Forums, die unter dem Motto „Wie können wir die Region wettbewerbsfähig machen?“ stattfand. Eine überaus große Aufmerksamkeit haben die Teilnehmer weiters gegenüber den - ebenfalls zum ersten Mal organisierten - Länderforen gezeigt.
Die Beachtung des Vienna Economic Forum beweist sich somit immer wieder und wieder, besonders auch durch die Zahl der neuen Mitglieder und Interessenten.
Praktika beim Vienna Economic Forum
Eine Gruppe von 15 Teilnehmern an dem Magisterprogramm der Free University Varna, Bulgarien, unter der Leitung von Frau Prof. Teodora Bakardzhieva, weilte eine Woche in Österreich zu einem Praktikum beim Vienna Economic Forum sowie bei Soravia Grupe GmbH der Mitglieder von Vienna Economic Forum. Am 3. Oktober 2006, erhielten sie darüber Zertifikate im Namen des Vorstandes, überreicht von der Generalsekretärin, Frau Botschafterin Dr. Elena Kirtcheva.
Macedonian Minister Gligor Tashkovich visited Vienna Economic Forum
H.E. Mr. Gligor Tashkovich, Minister for Foreign Investments of the Republic of Macedonia, assigned by the new Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia H.E. Mr. Nikola Gruevski, accompanied by the Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia in Austria H.E. Dr. Vesna Borozan, visited Vienna Economic Forum on 11th September 2006. During this meeting, further cooperation with Vienna Economic Forum and the Member countries in the Region from Adriatic to the Black Sea was discussed.
On the photo:
Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum
H.E. Gligor Tashkovich, Minister for foreign Investments of the Republic of Macedonia
H.E. Dr. Vesna Borozan, Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia
5th Traditional Meeting of the Friends from the Adriatic to the Black Sea
On 12 July 2006 the 5th Traditional Meeting of the Friends from the Adriatic to the Black Sea took place in the Bulgarian Cultural Institute Haus Wittgenstein in Vienna. The event has been hosted by Vienna Economic Forum and the Ambassadors of the Member Countries of Vienna Economic Forum – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey.
All Member Countries presented to the guests of this summer event the specialities of their national cuisine and specific regional drinks. Everyone had the opportunity to enjoy the musical program prepared by the Member Countries and presented by the artists in the salons of Haus Wittgenstein. As usually the Garden party was the popular event of the season. More than 300 guests came to the 5th Traditional Meeting. Founders, Members and Members of the Board of Vienna Economic Forum enjoyed the culinary fantasies from the region.
Special guest was the Vice Chancellor of the Republic of Austria Hubert Gorbach.
The culinary and musical evening continued until midnight.
On the photos:
Up left:
H.E. Valter Ibrahimi, Ambassador of the Republic of Albania
H.E. Selim Yenel, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey
Dr. Herbert Stepic, Deputy Gen.Dir. RZB, CEO Raiffeisen International
H.E. Hubert Gorbach , Vice chancellor of the Republic of Austria
Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum
H.E. Dr. Vesna Borozan, Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia
H.E. Dragan Velikic, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia
Up right:
H.E. Viktor Postolachi, Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova
H.E. Selim Yenel, Ambassador of the Republic Turkey
H.E. Dr. Vesna Borozan, Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia
H.E. Univ.Prof.Dr.Andrei Corbea-Hoisie, Ambassador of Romania
Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum
H.E. Valter Ibrahimi, Ambassador of the Republic of Albania
H.E. Mag. Daria Krsticevic, Ambassador of Bosnia and Hercegovina
H.E. Prof.Dr. Zoran Jasic, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia
H.E. Mag. Radi Naidenov, Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria
Dr. Peter Gumpel, Chairman, Meinl Capital Advisors AG
Dr. Georg Antesberger, Member of the Board, Siemens Österreich AG
Down left and right: the guest enjoyed the national cuisine until midnight
Vienna Economic Forum, Belgrade Meeting "Invest in Serbia, Invest in the Region"
On 11– 12 June 2006 Vienna Economic Forum, Belgrade Meeting “Invest in Serbia. Invest in the Region" took place in Sava Center in Belgrade.
The meeting was under the Patronage of H.E. Vojislav Kostunica Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia.
The meeting started with a traditional dinner hosted by Vienna Economic Forum and Raiffeisen International Bank-Holding AG where the first contacts between Austrian and international investors and Serbian companies started.
On 12 June 2006 more than 210 participants followed the plenary sessions. The audience has been addressed by H.E. Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia Vojislav Kostunica, H.E. Minister of International Economic Relations Dr. Milan Parivodic, H.E. Mr. Mladjan Dinkic Minister of Finance of the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Dr. Predrag Bubalo, Minister for Economy, H.E. Prof. Dr. Tomica Milosavljevic, Minister of Health of the Republic of Serbia.
Prime minister underlined that more than 100 legal acts have been adopted to facilitate foreign investments in the country. Minister of International Economic Relations explained the best practice of “one-stop shop" for foreign investors and Minister of Economy added that Serbia is now in the key phase of the privatization.
In the afternoon the participants discussed in details investment opportunities on 4 round tables dedicated on the issues of Infrastructure projects in the region, Banking and Insurance Sector, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Health care and health management. Number of bilateral meetings took place between Serbian companies and Austrian investors in areas of common interest.
More news and photo gallery is about to be uploaded from Vienna Economic Forum – Belgrade Meeting.
On the photos:
Family photo of Vienna Economic Forum – Belgrade meeting
H.E. Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia Vojislav Kostunica and H.E. Minister of International Economic Relations Dr. Milan Parivodic
Dr. Erhard Busek - President of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva – Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum, Dr. Josef Taus – Vice-President of Vienna Economic Forum
European Perspectives of the Republic of Bulgaria
On 23 May 2006, the Minister on European Affaires H.E. Dr. Meglena Kuneva held a Presentation in the Festsaal of the Schoellerbank, Palais Rothschild, Renngasse 3, 1010 Vienna.
The participants in the panel continued the discussions on the European Perspectives of the Republic of Bulgaria.
This Presentation was organized by the European Academy for Life Research, Integration and Civil Society in co-operation with the Delegation of the European Commission in Austria, the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Schoellerbank and Vienna Economic Forum.
On the photo:
Marc Fähndrich, Deputy Representative of the European Commission in Austria
Alexander Andreev, Deutsche Welle Bonn, Member of the Board of EALIZ
Ambros Kindel, Chef APA-Foreign Politics
H.E. Dr. Meglena Kuneva, Minister on European Affairs
Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum
Lorenz Fritz, former Secretary General of the Industrial Union, Member of the Board of ELAIZ
State Secretary Dr. Hans Winkler, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Energy Conference South East Europe
Under the patronage of Dr. Erhard Busek Special Coordinator of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe and President of Vienna Economic Forum on 7 and 8 May 2006 an Energy Conference South East Europe took place in Munich organized by Deutsches Ostforum München (DOM), Institute for European Affaires (INEA) and IDM.
On the pictures:
Dr. Erhard Busek, President of Vienna Economic Forum and Mrs. Dagmar Wöhrl, Parliamentarian State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Economy.
Dr. Erhard Busek, President of Vienna Economic Forum and Mr. Günther Mittle, President of Deutsches Ostforum München.
3-4 May, 2006 - Visit of H.E. Dr. Milan Parivodic- Minister of International Economic Relations of the Republic of Serbia in Austria
On 3 and 4 May 2006 H.E. Minister Dr. Milan Parivodic - Minister of International Economic Relations of the Republic of Serbia was on visit in Austria.
On 4 May 2006 Minister Parivodic and Assistant Minister Jasmina Hadziabdic visited Vienna Economic Forum and discussed the preparation of the Vienna Economic Forum - Belgrade Meeting that will take place on the 11 – 12 June 2006 in Belgrade.H.E. Minister Dr. Milan Parivodic had bilateral meetings on future cooperation with Members of Vienna Economic Forum.
On the photo:
Jasmina Hadziabdic, Deputy Minister of International Economic Relations of the Republic of Serbia
H.E. Dr. Milan Parivodic, Minister of International Economic Relations of the Republic of Serbia
Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum
H.E. Dragan Velikic, Ambassdaor of Serbia and Montenegro
Annual Meeting of Vienna Economic Forum
Today, 18 April 2006 in Palais Hoyos in Vienna the Annual Meeting of Vienna Economic Forum took place. The Members of the Forum were welcomed by the President of Vienna Economic Forum Dr. Erhard Busek.
The Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva has presented a detailed Report on the activities of the Forum during the year 2005 and she presented the short-term planned activities in the region between the Adriatic and the Black Sea.
Dr. Andreas Calice and the financial auditors Mag. Heinz Messinger and Mag. Gregor Höpler presented the Financial Report for 2005.
The new Members of Vienna Economic Forum has been welcomed.
A new Board of Vienna Economic Forum has been approved.
Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Seceratry General of Vienna Economic Forum obteins Grand Decoration of Honour in Gold with Sash for services to the Republic of Austria.
On 11 April 2006 Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva has been awarded with the Grand Decoration of Honour in Gold with Sash for Services to the Republic of Austria (Grosse Goldene Ehrenzeichen Am Bande Für Verdienste Um Die Republik Österreich) for her contribution to the development of Bulgarian – Austrian bilateral relations during the period of 2001 – 2005 in her capacity of Extra. and plenip. Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Republic of Austria.
The ceremony was led by the Secretary General of the Ministry for Foreign Affaires of the Republic of Austria Ambassador Dr. Yohannes Kyrle. The official reception has been organized by the Bulgarian Ambassador Mag. Radi Naidenov in his Residence.
Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva shared during the ceremony that it has been an honour to serve for the bilateral relations between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Austria and it will continue to be a challenge to work for the economic relations in the region in her new capacity of Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum.
On the photos:
Ambassador Dr. Johannes Kyrle, Secretary General of the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria
Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum
Ambassador Dr. Ferdinand Maultaschl, Head of Department-Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria
Breakfast with H.E. Mr. Boris Tadic, President of the Republic of Serbia
Following its policy and traditions to organize events supporting investment in the region between the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea on 10 March 2006 Vienna Economic Forum has hosted a working breakfast in Hilton Hotel with the President of the Republic of Serbia H.E. Boris Tadic, President of Zoran Djindjic Fond Mrs. Ruzica Djindjic and Members of the Board and Members of Vienna Economic Forum: Dr. Erhard Busek, President of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum, MMag. Jivka Staveva, Director of Vienna Economic Forum, Dkfm. Karl Fink, Dep. Director General of Wienerstädtische Versicherung AG, Dr. Rudolf Gruber, President of the Supervisory Board of EVN, Dr. Andeas Brandstetter, Member of the Board of Uniqa Insurance Holding, Dr. Peter Gumpel, CEO Meinl Capital Advisors AG, Mag. Elisabeth Mayer, Soravia Group, Mr. Aleksandar Lupsic, Soravia Group, Dr. Christian Kesberg, WKÖ.
Special guest on the breakfast was the Ambassador to the Delegation of the European Commission DI Karl Doutlik.
H.E. Boris Tadic has presented the main political developments in the country, future EU perspectives of the region and main economic reforms.
Mrs. Djindjic presented the initiative “1000 Young Leaders of Serbia".