Decoration of Merit for Dr. Josef Taus
Dr. Josef Taus, founding father, first president and member of the honorary committee of Vienna Economic Forum, was handed the decoration of merit for the services rendered to Vienna Economic Forum by Secretary General Amb. Dr. Elena Kirtcheva in the premises of the Management Trust AG.
Secretary General Dr. Elena Kirtcheva on the New Bulgarian University
Upon invitation of the Interdepartment Seminar on the New Bulgarian University, Sofia Secretary General Amb. Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, held the lecture „On regional economic cooperation and the role of business administration“. („Регионалното икономическо сътрудничество и ролята на бизнес администрацията“)
Working Visit of Representatives of Via Expo Ltd.
Secretary General Amb. Dr. Elena Kirtcheva was pleased to welcome Via Expo Ltd., Organizer of International Specialized Exhibitions, Bulgaria, Ms. Maya Kristeva and Ms. Desislava Ivanova in the premises of Vienna Economic Forum.
Vienna Insurance Group in Ukraine
Purchase of Ukrainska Strakhova Grupa finalized.
Wiener Städtische Versicherung AG, Vienna Insurance Group, founding member of Vienna Economic Forum has significantly increased its engagement on the Ukrainian insurance market and has purchased 62 percent of capital stock of Ukrainska Strakhova Grupa.
Große Geburtstagsfeier für Herbert Stepic
Der Generaldirektor der Raiffeisen International Bank-Holding AG, Herbert Stepic, feierte zu Silvester 2006 seinen 60. Geburtstag. Auf Einladung von Christian Konrad, Generalanwalt des österreichischen Raiffeisenverbandes, und Walter Rothensteiner, Generaldirektor der Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG, kamen heute über 300 prominente Gratulanten zu einer Festveranstaltung in den Raiffeisensaal im RZB-Gebäude, um Herbert Stepic ihre Glückwünsche zu überbringen.